{Food} Aviary, Chicago- Tales of the Cocktail

Cocktail Science
My boyfriend was in shock when I told him I don't know about Alinea, Aviary, and Next (aka the gastronomy trio in Chicago)... And so, I asked if he knows Oscar de la Renta, his answer put a smile back on my face; the difference between a foodie and a fashionista. Anyways, back to the fabulous Aviary- It's been 3 and a half years since Grant Achatz and Nick Kokonas opened their cocktail bar The Aviary in Chicago's West Loop. A bar only the restaurateur duo behind Alinea could create. A side note: Alinea has been named the Best Restaurant in America and is the only restaurant in Chicago. It's one of the only 12 in the U.S to earn Michelin 3-star rating.
The Aviary offers mad cocktail science, carefully sourced produces and herbs, iconic barware created by Martin Kastner, and intense ice program. It only opens Wed-Sun with walk-ins available, but I recommend you book your tickets ahead of time and select what you want from the 3 different package options.

Sauces for the oyster
Instead of sitting out in the dining area, we got a special and only sitting in the kitchen, so we can watch chef prepare drinks and food.

It was my very first cocktail science experience, I had to admit I was a "little" drunk when we left. But it was fun, provocative and delicious. You should definitely try it if you are visiting Chicago.

As a professional blogger, I pursue fashion trends from New York city, to the edge of the world. Feel free to send candy.